
December loot~

At the end of each month, I will post my loot. And it also gives an idea to everyone what figure reviews will be coming up. This month loot isn't big like the previous one. But at least my collection still growing. xD

First, I got Akiha Shishido and Mutsumi Shimoyama at AmiAmi. They are from Sora Kake Girl. They are my 2 first swimsuit figures xD I found out their was a big difference between HobbySearch and AmiAmi on the price. The next one is Jordh from Megachu!, a friend of Fauna. And the last one is Exelica. I don't know who she is but I like how they made her. I like mecha girls ^_^


Twins Vocaloid #02

Yet another figure post! This time is Kagamine Rin and Len. The twin yellow vocaloid. I got them on HobbySearch like always. They were on sale at the bargain section at 3,314yen each, almost half price. And that will complete the trio with Hatsune Miku. ^^

#02 band


Saber Lily - Distant Avalon

I got the figure 2 months ago. ^_^;; I was too lazy to make a post for this beauty. But I realized it will be a waste if I don't post it. Saber Lily was introduced from a PS2 game called Fate/Unlimited Codes. This is an action game(press up, down, up, x, for special move, things like that xD) I have never played this game since it has been release only at Japan T^T


Chibi Saber

Few weeks ago, I got Saber from the Special Sales on HobbySearch. She was part of my November loot.
In this version, she looks like a Nendoroid but bigger. She's still on sale at 1,194yen on HS. If you want it, don't miss your chance.

huge head xD


Merii Kurisumasu~

Its Christmas once again!! I think everyone is in Christmas spirit!! I hope everyone is enjoying the party with the family or friends.

This holidays, I'm not with my family and friends because I went to trip to Malaysia for Comic Fiesta 2009. But I have met some DC.com members and have great times with them. ^^ I will be back at my home around mid January.

I wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays !!!! \(-^0^-)/


Fauna GET!

YAY! I finally got Fauna from Max Factory. She's from Megachu!. I bought her from a member on Figure.fm. He was very nice and reduce the price to 40$USD + 11$USD for shipping. A good price for an used figure. Fauna is a discontinue figure and hard to find. She was release on Dec 2007.



My Anime watchlist [Winter 2009]

After the New Years 2010, there will be many interesting animes coming up. I will give more details next time.

Now, I'm currently watching these animes:



Vocaloid Nendo puchi Box set #1

Yesterday, I said that I will reveal my newest loot... And it just released at Japan!

Behold!!! The Vocaloid Nendoroid puchi Box set #1 from Good Smile Company. I got it from HobbySearch as usual. Cost me 8,400yen including shipping fees.

Top of the box


November loot >3<

This is my biggest loot that I ever did.
I got them on HobbySearch. There's was a big sales at the beginning of the month and most figures were more than 50% off. So, I took my chance and get whatever I like. And I ended up with these figures that cost me 16,528yen including shipping fees. Not expensive for me since I know the real retail price if there's no discounts.

I got...


AFK.... Back!!!

Hey people! I'm finally back on my blog! ^^

Wow the last post that I did was a few months ago XD But now i'm back for real!!!!

I got lots of figure loots: Saber Lily, nendoroid, PVC figures, figma, etc... Don't worry I will make a review on all these pretty figures.

Recently, my ASUS G1S laptop died. T^T... That was unpredictable.
So, I went on my desktop and started to search for a new laptop because I need for school. And I found one that I really like but.... the price. After a few days, I have decided to get it. The laptop was the ASUS G51vx-rx05, cost me around 1400$CAD include shipping fees. My wallet said: "Ouch! You hurt me hard". Anyways, I was happy when I have received it. No regret =D

Here's some pics:

Brand new in box!


Otakuthon 2009 - Saturday

Today, it was awesome!!!
There's more cosplayers than yesterday ^^ So, I took my chance to take pics as much as I can.

Here's the pics from this event ^_^

This is the only way to get in the event after you have paid.


I'm Back!!!!

Hey people! I'm back and my blog will be up again ^^

This week-ends, I will go in an anime convention, in my hometown, called Otakuthon. Each year, they gather every otaku there! Pretty like other conventions that you can buy goodies, take pics with cosplayers...

This event last for 3 days(31 july to 2 august)

I will make a HUGE post on that event since I will be there only for one day(saturday). That day, there will be many events such as cosplay contest, Battle Royale...

Hope I can see other DC members too XD


Summer break~

For the moment, I will take a break on my blog. That's because I have to go work and I have no time to do specials things even my figures loots will arrive on August (pre-ordered: Saber Lily PVC and nendoroid, Fate 1/7 PVC and Hatsune Miku 1/7 PVC)

Don't worry I will be back once my summer job is done ^_^

Hope you people will do lots of great things =D


Summer job

I'm working in an amusement park. It's my summer job. It will help me gain money for figures of course, for school and other stuff that I can't recall >_<;; I will be working in the section for kids but I like that. Last year, I see a bunch of kids running toward my ride XD That's right, I operate a ride for kids.

It is my 4th years for this job, but it's only seasonal(summer). So, during the year I need to save and don't spend too much. And I always ended with 10% left of the total salary. ^_^;;;

The worst thing, for this year, is I want to buy a Dollfie Dream. That cost around USD$700. Quite a pain in my wallet. So, I need to work hard this summer to be able to get one.

I will post my Signum review as fast as I can. Gomene~ >_<


Sakura Nanako

I spent a lots this month, around CAD$200.
And there's some pre-orders that they will arrive next month. For example, Saber Lily ^^

Yesterday, I received my order from HobbySearch bargain section. She was at 50% off. I ordered few weeks ago. So, I think she's out of stock or back to her original price. This figure worth for his price and it's very well made. I like her. XD

She's my first figure who have pink hair XD


Vocaloid loot!

After one month without new figures, I finally get a new bunch of figures this week =D

Since last month, I was lack of cash. So, I have decided to take a break on buying goodies. But this time, my summer job started last week. Money is coming in... XD And I have decided to continue moving down in my buylist. The next figures were Rin & Len from Vocaloid.

The two others were for my friend Vyvy. She's a fan of Rin & Len XD Always watch their musics video.
Not only them I got! I also found Hatsune Miku restocked in HobbySearch.


Big discount!!

Today, I was browsing on HobbySearch in Bargain section and saw many many nice figures on sales!!
And on HobbyLinkJapan too! Since it's their 1st anniversary they have discounts up to 50%

I already grab these figures:
1/8 Asa Shigure PVC at 40% off!! from HLJ
1/7 Signum PVC at 30% off!! from HLJ
Brilliant Stage Nanako at 50% off!! from HS

Quite a good saving for me ^_^


Summer's coming fast

Today! The weather was very nice: sunny all day long. It reach over 20 degrees. So, my friend and I have decided to study outside, at the school yard, during the diner. The weather for these following days will be even greater. Sunny for the whole week-ends and it will be over 25 degrees. Also, that means final exams are approaching fast too. But, I will do my best on study before the vacations starts.

がんばって みんあ!!!



Went to a friend's home to celebrate Easter. And we made our dinner all together ^_^ Also, we watched "One missed call ver. jap." a scary movie XD The main plate was Pad Thai: Thailand's food, of course. It's so popular that everyone should know that I think. And for the side dish chocolate eggs!!!

So colorful isn't it? and tasty =p


Sushi for dinner!

Today, I went with my friends for sushis for dinner. Here, in my hometown, there's not much sushi restaurant. This is the best place we found. We pass by there when we wants some sushis ^^. Oh bye the way, it's an all-you-can-eat restaurant or for take-out. They don't only have sushi but also foods from the kitchen.

This is our 1st round! Ding Ding!


To Aru Majutsu no Index

The last episode of To Aru Majutsu no Index have already released. There's 24 episodes and each episode give you envy to watch the next one. Hehe... I really like this anime. Especially at the beginning when Touma found Index. So, I highly recommend to watch it if you didn't yet.

Oh! and the producer have already announced the next season but a completely different storyline. It call To Aru Kagaku no Railgun. Can't wait ^_^ Will be out this October 2009

And here's the 2nd ending song that I prefer the most. More than the first one XD Enjoy!



Recently, I found a new way to buy goodies from websites that doesn't ship outside the Japan. It call Tenso. Let me explain. Once you have subscribed on Tenso, they will give you a local address(Japan). How it works?! For an example: when you purchase a figure from Amazon Japan. You will need to give the address, that Tenso gave you while subscribing, to Amazon. Then they will ship to Tenso. After, Tenso will ship it back to you. It means you have to pay 2 shipping fees: for Amazon and Tenso. BUT the point is you can buy something that you can't find anywhere other than Japan.


Summer buy list

Many figures release in this summer! So, I have started to browse many sites to compare their prices. My buy list is very long XD I'm saving money to pre-order all at once or buy them when it will be release. Some of them, I already missed the pre-order date >_< Also, they will have a new playset for nendoroid. So let's wait until the summer. My buy list:

Black Rock Shooter
Saber Lily
Midarezaki Kyoka
Kagamine Rin
Hatsune Miku
Konjiki no Yami
Nendoroid Priecia
Nendoroid Playset #2 set A
Nendoroid Playset #2 set B

This is a 1/3 of the list. There's more of course. XD And I don't think in the month of April I will buy more figures or goodies. I'm lack of cash >_<;;;


New banner =3

Yay! I just finished my banner yesterday. The previous one was the default which comes with the template. Kinda bored with no design on it. It took me around 40min. I need to take some pics and then cut it, add text, adjust the brightness, etc... It ended like what you see right now. Very nice for me ^_^ Hope you guys/girls will like it too =)


Karaoke birthday party

Few days ago, it was my friend's birthday. She's now 22 years old! First, we were 10 people and went to a steakhouse for dinner. In the evening, few peoples went back to home. We were 6 people at the end. And we went to a karaoke called K-100. Continue to celebrate her birthday.

Amy is her name. We bought her an Oreo's cake. Very delicious!


Hayate Yagami

Yay! I just received my Figma Hayate Yagami from HobbyLink Japan. She's from the anime Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS. This is a must see anime! And I highly recommended.

The price was 2667yen without shipping fees. Quite reasonable for me.



Today is my worst day that I never had. I got the news from her. By the way, I will not tell who is "her" and the news that I got from her. Because it will make me even more pain. So, let me resume what I did after I knew the news. After, I hung up the phone(because she called me), I was in totally depression by thinking that all I have done so far were worthless. I'm not mad at her. Just by seeing her leaving me was very painful because I tried so hard to get her trust. And at the end, she let me down. I was thinking a lots of things for more than a hour.

I didn't finish my dinner because I was very sad. So, I went back to my room and lay on my bed. I was on the way to cry but I didn't.

Anyways, not enough moods to continu this post... See ya later


Valentines with my maid...

Hey folks! Today is a special day for all couples or lovers. And it's on a Saturday! That's allow people to pass the night at their lover's place ^_^ or hanging out very late.

As for me, I hired a maid recently and I'm sticking my Valentines day with her ^_^;; She's Izumi Sawatari from the anime He is my master. I got her from Archonia. She was on sale for 21.50$US. I always go in bargains figures section first, to see if there's a nice/kawaii figures that lives inside. XD

Yeah, that's mean I'm single. No doubt >_<



A friend of mine gave me a poster of Miku Hatsune. My fav Vocaloid character ^^ I didn't expect anything. It surprised me when she gave it to me.

Very beautiful! I have putted on the side of y commputer tower that's next to me. So, I can look at it anytime ^_^

Hmm... Now I need to think about what I should get for her birthday. *headache* That is always my weak point when it comes. >_<;


Figma Fate T.H

Sorry for the late post >_<; School has already started since two weeks and I have a lots of homework and project to do T-T But I will try to keep my blog active. So, as I said, uhmmm three weeks ago, that I will post some pics of Fate T.H from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS. I got this action figure from Hobby Search.


The first 2009 loot...

My Manaka Komaki figure from To Heart 2 has just arrive! I got it from Akadot, it was on promotion, 50% off, so I purchased her for 23.60$US including shipping fees. It was a good deal ^^. That's because she has been release since age ago and they wants to get rip off her.


Korean Bento

Today, I went to a Korean restaurant with my friends to try their bento.

This bento included one U-Don soup, chicken fried rice, deep fried shrimp and vegetables, few pices of sushis, fruits desert and soya sauce with wasabi.

Tsukasa asked me to give one shrimp tempura to her. I said no because I don't want her to get fat XD

At the end, we were full. The price was reasonable, 13$CAN, and you can eat various foods. ^^

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