Yet another Figma...

Like I said yesterday, my Figma Hatsune Miku arrived today straight from Japan!!

I bought her during the giveaway Christmas outfits event. So I got one Santa hat, one Santa cap and one Santa bag. I was lucky because this event have started on 10th Dec and ended on the next day due of out of stock. ^^
Some pics of my recent purchase of Figma:

2 pokes:

Q said...

Argh I preordered my Miku so it didn't come with the santa hat stuff ._. But nice get on Miku! Just got her not long ago too!

Btw thanks for visiting my blog; hope your figma Shana arrives soon~

Anonymous said...

Hey!! Wow! I wish you showed Miku with the santa costume! Must have looked nice ^_^ Your pictures are great! Good background :3!

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