Karaoke birthday party

Few days ago, it was my friend's birthday. She's now 22 years old! First, we were 10 people and went to a steakhouse for dinner. In the evening, few peoples went back to home. We were 6 people at the end. And we went to a karaoke called K-100. Continue to celebrate her birthday.

Amy is her name. We bought her an Oreo's cake. Very delicious!

Splitting the cake in 6. Can't wait to get mine XD

Yummy! That's mine >0< My friend choosing a song to sing as a birthday present for her.

2 pokes:

e2046 said...

How are you? I’m George. I saw blog on bruneian-otaku.blogspot.com. had a look at your blog today. I’m interested in doing a banner exchange with you. drop me a message if you are okay with it. Cheers!

himiko said...

looks good the cake!

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