Otakuthon 2009 - Saturday

Today, it was awesome!!!
There's more cosplayers than yesterday ^^ So, I took my chance to take pics as much as I can.

Here's the pics from this event ^_^

This is the only way to get in the event after you have paid.

The main hall

Characters from Hitman Reborn!

Another group of Hitman Reborn! ^^

Joinning the force XD

Stormtrooper vs. uh.... Sakura???

Yoko!!!! ^^

Kagamine Rin! And I couldn't find her twin brother Len T^T

Hatsune Miku! =D

Kaito xD

Another Kaito with ice cream ^^

Shana =]

Forgot her name but I know she's from a game >_<;; Domo-kun ^^

Ronald xD

Lelouch and C.C <3

Master Chief =)

I have no idea from where they from


Here's my loot of the day

Well that's all for today. To be continue tomorrow...

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